
Other documentation

Where to find more help


I aim to deliver clear and useful information but there may be things missing nonetheless. This site is also completely written from an user point of view and doesn’t include tutorials on setting up your own pod and such.

On this page you will find links to other useful sites offering more information and tutorials.


User support

  • #question – Post your question on diaspora* with #question
  • #bug – Post about bugs/problems on diaspora* using #bug
  • #feature – Ask for new diaspora* features by posting on diaspora* using #feature
  • diaspora* Forum - The unofficial diaspora* forums
  • Spored wiki - German diaspora* wiki (may be out-dated)
  • Sporedboard - German diaspora* forums

Project progress

  • Project blog – Blog posts about major events
  • Developer blog - Mainly aimed at people interested in the technical aspects of the project
  • Github – Development branches (click ‘Switch Branches’ for exploration)
  • Pivotal Tracker – Planned updates for the coming weeks

Technical information


Tutorials home | Getting started guide